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Kids' Kitchen is a nonprofit organization based in Anchorage, AK dedicated to providing nutritional meals for children at no cost. With over a MILLION MEALS served with love since1996, Kids' Kitchen is starting to see the children first served grow into young, dynamic adults. Love works for our community, our nation, and our world.


JOIN GRANDPA ELGIN of Anchorage, Alaska, in supporting the youth through providing a healthy hot meal for kids daily. Elgin lives 1 block away from the Fairview Recreation Center. With help from volunteers and donations, he is able to serve these children, the majority who come from low-income families who benefit from breakfast and lunch programs available at school. EACH WEEKNIGHT, 50 to 100 youngsters sit down for a healthy meal like hamburger with sides of broccoli and apples, organized by Jones, who lives off Social Security and takes no salary from his nonprofit Kids Kitchen.


"It's from his heart and done for all the right reasons," says Superintendent of Schools Carol Comeau. But the props that mean the most come from the kids themselves, many of whom call him Grandpa. 

Join Mr Elgin and be a part of the KidsKitchen family. Whether you can give your time or financially, WHAT AN INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY FOR US ALL! 




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